
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration





It’s been a week since team fiercely loved and team lit have been in Colombia, and it has been absolutely incredible. From riding the bus, metro, and gondolas ( YEAH. They take you up and over the mountains! ITS FREAKING SWEET) to exploring the sights and sounds of the city. Our time has been filled with, hikes, walking around the city, learning new dances, songs, worship, the Holy Spirit moving, and attempts at learning Spanish with Mama Christina. 



So where are we?



We are in Medellin, Colombia! It is a breathtaking city in the valley of the mountains, filled with a variety of dogs, transportation, people, and cafe! 


Pastor Willie and Christina are our hosts for this first month, and they are the most incredible people you will ever meet. Pastor Willie is a man who walks in obedience and strength with the Lord. Christina has the biggest heart and willingness to serve 14 Americans who don’t know a lot of Spanish. She and Pastor Willie are very patient with us and  intentional in their time with us. They allow us into their home and their lives. Mama Christina takes us around the city, walks 45 minutes with us to the library so we can get wifi, corrects our broken Spanish, laughs with us,  makes the BEST meals, and calls us her children. 



The Lord is good. 



What have we done so far?



Ministry has looked different every day this past week. We had training from missionaries on different dances and songs we’ll do while we evangelize on the street. We went on a hike to a waterfall in San Pedro with the youth from the church,  made lunch, and connected with one another.  We worshiped together as teams, prayed over the church, shared our testimonies, worshiped with the church,  and played ninja with the Ninos and Ninas.


Soon we will be doing prison ministry and will travel to San Pedro! 


Ministry is life. Life is ministry. 



What have I learned so far?


I walk with a mark of obedience. 

The Lord says move/go/come on, and I do. Sometimes it sounds crazy, yet in reality, there is a simplicity to it all. 


People ask me all the time, why the world race? 

My answer: He said go. I said yes. 


Being here for a week, He has invited me into some challenging places where all I can do is trust, and walk in the authority He has given me. 


Trusting that when we get on the express bus that flies around every curve (which, there are a TON of curves here) the bus won’t tip over. 


Trusting that when He invites me in to cast out evil spirits, that He has overcome and we get to partner together to call in the victory. 


Trusting that He will continue to use me, even in my brokenness. 


Trusting His peace. 





This week in Medellin has been absolutely beautiful. The people, the places, the waterfalls, the challenges, Pastor Willie, Mama Christina, the bus rides, the walking, the sunburns, the sweet baby chickens, and the overlook into the city, are just a glimpse of our Papa’s glory. 



STAY TUNED: there is a VLOG of our adventures coming so SOON! 


9 responses to “mark of obedience”

  1. I enjoyed reading about your first week in Colombia! God is great. Makes my heart smile about the response of why the world race. Your courage to listen and obedience to go and see what God has in store for you and the team inspires me .
    Que cuando se vaya con Dios, debe escuhar a Dios en su Corazon y nada mas. A little Spanish lesson for you . Love you daughter!!

  2. Thankful for your obedience, friend! Praying for this next week and the things he is asking you to step into

  3. “He said go. I said yes.” May we all live like this! Ready, waiting, willing to His work. Praying for you today Suze – may you continue to walk in obedience, may you continue to bravely go where he has called you!!

  4. Hi Suze! I love your heart and I know the Lord does too! Your revelation that there is a simplicity in obedience is profound. Keep putting one foot in front of the other with a laser focus on Him…this is exciting! I look forward to your next blogs and vlogs. Love you!

  5. I love this suze. Love your obedience to the Lord in the little and the big. If you keep walking in obedience the adventures that you will get to take part in with our father will only get greater. Can’t wait to see what he has for you next šŸ™‚

  6. The biggest smiles reading this. Iā€™m so proud of you and so thankful for your obedience!

  7. Suze…. YOUR HEART amazes me and always has. Keep serving. Keep going. Iā€™m so very proud of you.
    Momma sig

  8. You women are amazing! I am so grateful you are with my daughter on this trip! I have spent the evening reading your blogs and watching the vlogs… your awesome!!!